TSIYON NEWS - guardians of the kingdom
Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 19.36 - 07/08/6024 TAM - 09/11/2024 AD
From Eliyahu
The 7th Hebrew month figured prominently in the earthly life of Yeshua. The evidence suggests that He was born on Sukkot in the 7th month, and was recognized under the Covenant of Israel on the eighth day, the Last Great Day.
Since His birthday was in the 7th month it is likely He began His ministry in that same month, as Scripture says: "Yeshua was about thirty years old when he began his public ministry." (Luke 3:23 CJB)
On what day of the 7th month did Yeshua begin His ministry? Yeshua was publicly introduced in His ministry when He came to Yochanan (John the Baptist) to be immersed. On seeing Yeshua on that occasion Yochanan exclaimed: "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" This statement is clearly about the ultimate atonement that comes into the world only through Yeshua. What day would that have been, if not Atonement Day? (John 1:29-36)
Yeshua fulfills all of the Appointments of YHWH in the 7th month, and all the rest as well. By observing those special days we honor Messiah for who He is, what He has done, and what He will yet do - all for His Father and for all of us. Done with the right heart, all of the appointments draw us closer to Him. All of the special days of this 7th Hebrew month are listed near the bottom of this newsletter.
While all of that is important, there is much more to Yeshua than fulfilling special days. He came into the world as a real flesh and blood person - as an innocent and helpless baby. As a baby, in His childhood, and throughout His life, He grew up and functioned as part of a family. Much of His day to day life was very ordinary, just dealing with life in the context of His family and His community. In this sense, He was not much different from you or I. In a way, that's the point, isn't it?
He came to be what we are, to enter fully into the human experience. This is what was needed to save us. He didn't just tell us what to do. He actually came as one of us and showed us how to do it! Then, He went beyond all frontiers of love to give His perfect human life for us so that we could be reconciled to God through Him. Hence, "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
We rightly focus on all these deeds of Yeshua our Messiah because they overshadow everything else He has done towards us. However, the desire for a more personal relationship with Him drives us on to want to know Him better. More details about His earthly life, particularly His family connections, help us to see Him in the context of a rich family history and legacy. His family had been preparing the way for His coming through generations of time. Who were they? What is their story? What does all that tell us about Him?
There is a story to be told here. It is the "back-story" but an important and even relevant story for all of us who follow Yeshua. Think about it. For generations His family had been the Guardians of the Kingdom. It was a constant battle. If the enemy could find one weak link in the ancestral family chain the Plan might be thwarted before it could come to fruition (the devil thinks like that). What did they have to endure simply because they were His family, before ever He was born as a man?
The fact that the genealogy of Yeshua is at the front of Matthew's Gospel is not only for legal reasons. It is also there to acknowledge the unique trials and deeds of those family members who came before Him, who played a role in bringing Him into the world. Since they were the Guardians of the Kingdom that is our title for the next two live streams from Tsiyon.
September 11, 2024: Our theme tonight is Guardians of the Kingdom, Part 1. Join me tonight, September 11, 2024, at Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, Central, for insight into the family background and context into which Yeshua was born.
September 13, 2024: Our theme will be Guardians of the Kingdom, Part 2. Atonement Day begins September 13, 2024, at sundown. Special Atonement Day teaching will be offered through that day from Tsiyon Radio at Tsiyon.Org. You are invited to our live stream video presentation of Guardians of the Kingdom, Part 2 that same night at Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, Central, for more insight into the family background and context into which Yeshua was born.
Blessings and Shalom,
P.S. Here is our schedule for meetings this 7th Month. All of these meetings will be streamed at 8 PM Central time at Tsiyon.Net.
Date: Meetings with Kingdom Foundations Seminar message:
9/4 Trumpets/Yom Teruah
9/11 Sabbath Meeting (Tonight)
9/13 Atonement Day
9/18 Sabbath Meeting-Start of Sukkot
9/19 Sukkot
9/20 Sukkot
9/21 Sukkot
9/22 Sukkot
9/23 Sukkot
9/24 Sukkot
9/25 Last Great Day - Sukkot - Sabbath
10/2 Sabbath - Putting it altogether.
The Good News of the Kingdom - 12 Days in September!
"In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good courage!
I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Such wealth of truth, history and information you're giving at this very hour. It's refreshing & encouraging.
Thank you Eliyahu!