TSIYON NEWS - time for something new
Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 19.49 - 10/14/6024 TAM - 12/15/2024 AD
From Eliyahu
We are about to enter the mid-point of this decade, so I felt the need to look back to consider what I was seeing as this decade began. I wrote on Jan 3, 2020, before the public even knew about Covid, that this decade would be..
".. an upcoming decade filled with shocks and problems unlike any the world has ever faced before. These will have the general effect of stripping ordinary people of their rights, their freedoms, their money, their homes, and sometimes even their food and water. Many people are expected to push back against the on-coming globalist ever-present control, with the culture and class wars sparking new tensions and conflicts. This will bring on more oppressive control from the system, in an effort to keep and expand their 21st century domain. The rapid expansion of new technology many are so enthralled with is not about giving all of us a lot of shiny new toys - it is about rapidly installing a globalist technocracy that is too entrenched and powerful to be overthrown. The UN goal ( the 2030 Agenda) is to get there by 2030, and the world is already well on the way." [Tsiyon News - Vol 15.01 - 10/07/6019 TAM - 01/03/20 AD]
What do you think? Has this decade not been marked with loss of freedoms around the world, especially as we remember the Covid scare, complete with masks, social distancing, lockdowns, job losses, business shutdowns, mandatory injections, and curtailing of basic freedoms, such as freedom to travel, freedom of speech and freedom to control your own body?
Even so-called 'free' countries chose to act like dictators. Now we are living with the aftermath of all of that, with a mounting death toll related to the clot-shot that was being endlessly pushed on the fearful public. "Died suddenly" was rarely if ever seen in obituaries of young people. Sadly, that has all changed now, with "died suddenly" the dreaded words describing the fate of countless young athletes, students and other young people - not to mention early death among seniors. Since all of that began studies have shown the whole nasty scam was completely unnecessary, and worse - a major factor in the growing health crisis that is right now dominating social media and destroying lives.
Then there is the tech. It's not just you watching your TV anymore. Now, your TV is watching back. And so is your cell-phone, tablet, laptop, desktop and more. You can't drive down the street without being surveilled. You can't buy an item of clothing with your credit card without leaving a paper trail. Talking about clothing, its probably smart clothes, part of the 'Internet of Things' - all reporting everything about you to Klaus Schwab and the gang ... and so is your toaster ... your refrigerator ... your washing machine ... and just about every other machine, small or large, for sale at Wal-Mart or online.
Excuse me. I almost forgot. The Biden crime family. Inflation, foreclosures, insane national debt. Also, balloons, drones, UFOs, killer robots, AI, electric cars, brain implants and Elon Musk everywhere you look. TikTok and China. LGBTQ+. Bugs as a substitute for actual food. Never closer to WWIII - global nuclear annihilation, and more, a lot more. I could go on, but why should I? You already know what you have been battling through this decade, what all of the sane people have been battling.
Now the good news: the growing push-back has arrived! The majority have had more than their fill of all the globalist nonsense and they are turning the tide - for now. We know how this is going to go. The globalists ARE going to have their day - their seven years of world government, actually. The antichrist and the whole dreaded Tribulation. It's all going to happen. But for now, the tide is turning toward something new, and we need to make the most of this precious window of opportunity.
You can feel it can't you?
We have come through a massive time of trial and decision for billions of people. Its awesome to see that millions have seen through many of the globalist lies and deceptions and have been repulsed by all the corruption that has been openly exposed to all who will see it. It is the Spirit of the living God that has brought all of that out in the open so that every person can make a choice.
Many are choosing to draw closer to the living God. They are crying out to Him and He is hearing them. Obviously, He is the One that is bringing this refreshing wind of change over the world, calling all who will come over to Him. "Who is on the Lord's side?" That is the question of the hour. Pray for the righteous to rise up in faith to answer that call!
There is America. A change of historic proportions is underway here, and it is not hard to find people of faith pushing back against the globalists and their immoral anti-God agenda - to bring God back into daily life here. This new wind of change is opening a door to people everywhere to consider the superiority of Messiah over anything the globalists have to offer. Does that mean we have to agree with every tradition and doctrine that may go with that? No it doesn't, but that shouldn't stop us from praising God for His grace toward all who would call upon Him, even as He has poured out His grace upon each of us who know Him already.
Then there is Israel, still at war, but triumphing like nothing most of us have ever seen. Why is this happening now? This is the Father's timing, and will. He is clearing the board and making way for the Remnant of Israel to return to our ancient homeland. You could say He is creating a container, a wineskin, for His remnant people, like the new wine, to be poured into. When we return it will be a time of peace in the Land. That is now on its way. Be aware, just as fast as the change of events in Israel of the last 14 months or so - just that fast He can call us back to our Land. Will you be ready? That all depends on how you use this precious window of opportunity right now. [Ezekiel 37-39]
Restoring the New Wineskin for the Last Days is the theme of our live stream panel discussion tonight. Join us and invite your friends on any video platform we broadcast on. Ask questions and comment! This live stream will begin tonight at Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, Central. I know you will enjoy this good news.
"In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good courage!
I have overcome the world." John 16:33